At AJ Danboise Plumbing, Heating, Cooling & Electrical, we offer a range of water heater services, including water heater replacement, water heater maintenance, and water heater repair in Novi, MI. No matter which of our services you choose, you can be sure of exceptional service. If you’ve just turned on your shower and been shocked with cold water, or your water heater is leaking, we can solve the problem. We’re also here to help you with water heater replacement and water heater maintenance.

If you’ve been thinking about upgrading from a tanked water heater to a tankless model, we’d love to tell you about the benefits. Imagine constant hot water when you need and want it without worrying about it running out. That’s a luxury that we offer to all of our customers and it could be more affordable than you might think. We’ll also help you to keep your water heater in amazing shape through regular tune-ups. Come and discover for yourself why we’ve been the homeowner’s favorite since 1925. We can’t wait to help you keep your hot water flowing.