LED lighting is much more energy-efficient than the lightbulbs from years ago. These new lights are beneficial in numerous ways, including their impact on the environment and your utility bills. If you want to maximize its use while saving money and doing some good for the environment in the process, one of the smartest things you can do is learn how to best utilize LED lighting throughout your Michigan property.

Replace Your Old Lighting With LED Bulbs

You can’t start saving money and energy with LED lighting if you don’t install the bulbs in the first place. Start by swapping out all your existing incandescent bulbs with LED bulbs. Although LEDs have a higher up-front cost than other options, they can help you save more money over time.

Go room by room and make a list of what wattage bulbs you need and for which lighting fixtures, such as if you need them for a desk lamp or a flush-mounted ceiling light. You can order the bulbs you need online. If you think you need help getting the correct ones, you can take your list to a home improvement store, and they can assist you.

Turn Off the Lights When You’re Not Using Them

As great as LED lights are for helping you save money, they won’t do you much good if you leave them on more often than necessary. Turn them off when you’re not using them. For example, if you go to grab a snack to eat while you’re watching a movie, turn the kitchen lights off on your way out of the room instead of leaving them on in case you go back in at some point. This helps add to the money-saving perks of the LED lights while reducing your home’s energy use.

Install Task Lighting

Task lighting can be a great way to use LED bulbs to save even more money and energy. There are many options to consider that can also elevate the design of one or more rooms while helping you cut costs. For instance, you can install pendant lights above your kitchen island or place a floor lamp beside your favorite reading chair. If you read in bed, you can get a new lamp for your end table and make sure it includes an LED bulb. This prevents you from having to turn on the larger, more energy-draining overhead lights when strategically placed lights will perfectly suffice.

Installing the new lights will require an initial monetary investment. If you already have the lamps and light fixtures in place but they don’t have LED bulbs, that’s a lesser expense but still one you’ll have to absorb. You’ll pay more up-front but can enjoy the money- and energy-saving perks in the long term.

Install Motion Sensor Lights Outdoors

Many homeowners use outdoor lights as a means of safety and security. However, leaving them on from right before the sun goes down until you go to bed and beyond isn’t going to do your energy bills any favors. Motion sensor LED lights can be a better, more cost-efficient option that also helps save energy.

If any person or animal comes within a certain distance of the motion sensor lights, they will go off automatically as long as the settings are in place for them to do so. This notifies you that someone is on your property, even if you don’t yet see the intruder. It also automatically illuminates the area so you can get a better look.

Getting this kind of lighting installation service can also be an excellent option for when you need to step outdoors or you’re coming home. Rather than fumbling to turn on the light switch when you’re doing a task like bringing in the groceries or letting out the dog, you can focus on the task without a problem.

There’s also the added safety element. LED automatic lights can help make it easier to see what’s in your way while you’re trying to walk. Let’s say you’re trying to take the dog out to the dark backyard. Once you open the door, the light should go off, instantly illuminating your pathway and showing you that someone left a toy in the way that you easily could have tripped on.

Install Under-Cabinet LED Lighting

Under-cabinet LED lights offer multiple benefits, starting with how they can help reduce the amount of energy you use, which in turn, helps save you money. For instance, instead of turning on the flush-mounted ceiling light in the kitchen when you want a midnight snack, you can use the LED lights.

One of the biggest benefits of under-cabinet LED lighting is its easy installation. Many come with a removable strip, so all you have to do is stick them on yourself. Some offer the ability to adjust the strength and color, such as dimming the light or switching between white and blue. The customizable options are as great for energy efficiency and money-saving as for personalization.

Another perk is that you can install them in areas where it can be challenging to see but you can’t put a lamp. For example, you can install them under the kitchen sink or bathroom sink so you can turn on the LED lighting and see clearly rather than flipping on the bright overhead light.

Use Dimmers

You can save quite a bit of money and energy each month by using dimmer switches and LED bulbs. Dimmer switches are relatively inexpensive for an electrician to install, and they offer several other benefits beyond being a cost-efficient option. For example, they can help create a certain ambiance, promote better sleep, and help extend the life span of your LED bulbs. Extending their life span means that you won’t have to shell out money sooner rather than later to replace them.

Turn Them on Only When You Have To

The longer you can leave the lights off, the better it is for your utility bills. Try to use natural light for as long as possible rather than turning on the artificial lights. This is a good habit to get into if you’re trying to reduce your home’s energy consumption. However, you should never sacrifice your safety. Don’t attempt walking in the dark at risk to your well-being because you want to try to save some money on your energy bill. Flip the lights on when you have to, and you can always turn them back off when you’re done.

Invest in Quality LED Bulbs

Buying and installing LED bulbs throughout your residence isn’t going to do your home or wallet any favors if they have a short life span. Do research to learn more about which LED bulbs have the highest quality for your needs. You may even want to make inquiries about them on social media to see if you can get personal recommendations.

However, keep in mind that a high up-front cost for the LED bulbs doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll save you money in the long term. Nor does a lower up-front cost mean they’re the better option. Choose ones that are a good combination of price, efficiency, and longevity.

If you’re located in or near Farmington Hills, MI and would like to learn more about how to get the most out of your LED lighting, our team of professionals at AJ Danboise Plumbing, Heating, Cooling & Electrical would be happy to furnish you with information about the changes you can make in your home.

We’re available for a variety of other electrical services as well, including electrical panel replacements, whole-home rewiring, ceiling fan installations, and outlet installations. Besides that, we offer outstanding HVAC and plumbing services. Call us today.

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